The Rainbow Fish
The Rainbow Fish
Marcus Pfister (author)
A wealth of resources on CD-ROM to enhance teachers work on 'Rainbow Fish'. * Interactive text extracts to annotate with the class. * Non-fiction, cross-curricular photos and videos to put the story in context. * Author interviews or biography. * Interactive whiteboard activities.
Marcus Pfister was born in Bern, Switzerland. After studying at the Art School of Bern, he apprenticed as a graphic designer and worked in an advertising agency before becoming self-employed in 1984. His debut picture book, The Sleepy Owl, was published by NorthSouth in 1986, but his big breakthrough came six years later with The Rainbow Fish. Today, Marcus has illustrated over fifty books that have been translated into more than fifty languages and received countless international awards. He lives with his wife, Debora, and his children in Bern.
Publisher : North-South Books (Nord-Sud Verlag AG) (13 Feb. 2007)
Paperback : 25 pages
ISBN-13 : 9783314015441
Dimensions : 21.5 x 0.5 x 29 cm