Six Pillars
Six Pillars
Six Pillars: Introductions to the Works of Sri Aurobindo
Robert McDermott (editor)
Readers interested in Sri Aurobindo's life, poetry, philosophical thought, or spiritual practice can now find a great many resources to help them gain a deeper insight into this towering figure of twentieth-century India-one of the great triad that consists of Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, and Sri Aurobindo. Given the large amount of literature now in existence, to wrestle with Sri Aurobindo's works and vision can take a lifetime. The question will always be, where to start to discover the measure of this man? How to begin to comprehend something of the great arc of life and spirit experienced by this extraordinary seer, thinker, poet, and mystic? These essays on the significance of Sri Aurobindo's six major works provide an excellent starting point for retracing his spiritual vision. They help us in so many ways to understand what he saw with such strength and conviction: how the historical evolution of cosmos, life, and history form one grand synthesis and symphonic whole. Aurobindo, the revolutionary turned yogi, was a puzzle to his contemporaries and remained one to later generations. This is probably still true today. But puzzles are there to be solved. These essays can help to do that. They dissolve some of the enigmas that surround Sri Aurobindo, even though not answering all our questions. They provide much substance for thought and further discussion, and invite us to gain a deeper familiarity with one of the great minds of modern India, whose inspiring spiritual message can transform one's life and help to change the world.
Robert McDermott is president emeritus and chair of the Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). He is the editor of the original edition of The Essential Steiner (1984) and is involved in many anthroposophical organizations and institutions. He is the author of The Spirit of Modern India.
Publisher : Lindisfarne Books; 2nd edition (4 May 2012)
Paperback : 216 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1584200925
Dimensions : 13.97 x 1.24 x 21.59 cm